17.07.2009, 07:59
I am new here and i want to use RAdmin, all PHP files are OK(here is my panel:gta.pfs.netne.net) but when i start the server-->
Please help me.
mfg. nagiii from Austria
edit: lol sry...in austria it is currently 11:07 am
I am new here and i want to use RAdmin, all PHP files are OK(here is my panel:gta.pfs.netne.net) but when i start the server-->
[10:01:58] [10:01:58] Server Plugins [10:01:58] -------------- [10:01:58] Loading plugin: sampmysql.dll [10:01:58] /************************************************/ /* SAMP-MySQL v0.14 Plugin loaded successfully ! */ /************************************************/ [10:01:58] Loaded. [10:01:58] Loaded 1 plugins. [10:01:58] [10:01:58] Filter Scripts [10:01:58] --------------- [10:01:58] Loading filter script 'RAdmin.amx'... [10:01:58] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [10:01:58] ++ RAdmin (R@f Admin) V0.0.1 ++ [10:01:58] ++ Last official Update : 28.02.09 ++ [10:01:58] ++ Script by Rafael 'R@f' Keramidas ++ [10:01:58] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ [10:01:58] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: Connecting (host: mysql8.000webhost.com) (user: a******7_gta) (database: a******7_radmin) [10:02:19] Connection to MySQL database: Failed ! [10:02:19] Can't connect to MySQL server on 'mysql8.000webhost.com' (10060) [10:02:19] Error in mysql_select_db: MySQL server has gone away [10:02:19] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: First connecting attempt failed! [10:02:19] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: Connecting (host: mysql8.000webhost.com) (user: a******7_gta) (database: a******7_radmin) [10:02:40] Connection to MySQL database: Failed ! [10:02:40] Can't connect to MySQL server on 'mysql8.000webhost.com' (10060) [10:02:40] Error in mysql_select_db: MySQL server has gone away [10:02:40] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: Second connecting attempt failed! [10:02:40] ~RAdmin~ MySQL: MySQL progress terminated! [10:02:40] Error in mysql_query: MySQL server has gone away [10:02:40] Error in mysql_store_result: MySQL server has gone away
mfg. nagiii from Austria

edit: lol sry...in austria it is currently 11:07 am