[Include] Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface)

Originally Posted by Pottus
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1.) There is no saving of objectid's which means you lose all reference of objects!
Usually I would create a dynamic system, but this time I've left it out for the first version, since I was in a hurry and some people were mainly interested in the main code. However, the plan is to update the current version and add additional stuff when I find more time.

Originally Posted by Pottus
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2.) Too many parameters in the function.
More than half of them are additional.


Messages In This Thread
[UPDATE] Dynamic surfaces - Create your own surface with just one line - by Correlli - 10.03.2015, 01:11
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by JeaSon - 10.03.2015, 04:09
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by AroseKhanNiazi - 10.03.2015, 08:04
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by LazyB0y - 10.03.2015, 12:20
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by KayJ - 10.03.2015, 13:13
Re : Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by streetpeace - 10.03.2015, 13:33
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by Alex Magaсa - 10.03.2015, 13:58
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by Pottus - 10.03.2015, 16:06
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by Abagail - 10.03.2015, 16:57
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by Correlli - 10.03.2015, 17:04
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by Abagail - 10.03.2015, 17:08
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by PT - 10.03.2015, 18:45
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by Correlli - 15.03.2015, 00:43
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by Runn3R - 15.03.2015, 16:58
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by RebeloX - 15.03.2015, 17:08
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by Pottus - 15.03.2015, 17:34
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by Kapersky™ - 15.03.2015, 17:39
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by AIped - 15.03.2015, 17:42
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by Zues - 15.03.2015, 18:15
Reply - by Ygzeb - 17.03.2015, 22:51
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by Don_Cage - 18.03.2015, 00:49
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by De4dpOol - 18.03.2015, 05:18
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by Kar - 18.03.2015, 06:19
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by iSkyline - 18.03.2015, 12:15
Re: Reply - by Correlli - 18.03.2015, 14:27
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by iZN - 18.03.2015, 14:39
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by davve95 - 18.03.2015, 19:46
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by HydraHumza - 02.04.2015, 10:01
Re: Create your own surface with just one line (CreateObjectSurface) - by Crayder - 24.05.2015, 19:26

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