09.03.2015, 11:58
Take a look at the code - see those //OLD CODES comments? Those are lines you have to change. In SetPlayerPos - well, that's the point where the player is "standing", and we don't want him to interfere so we're placing him at -80.0 Z coord. Now "SetPlayerCameraPos" this is point from player looks at coords marked by "SetPlayerCameraLookAt". So that one should be right before your location:
I added example offsets: -1.0 to X axis, -10.0 to Y axis, and +2.0 to Z axis. Change them however you want to look at the building.
And you should look directly at it, so simply.
pawn Код:
SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 1316.63 - 1.0, -1424.21 - 10.0, 27.13 + 2.0);
And you should look directly at it, so simply.
pawn Код:
SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 1316.63, -1424.21, 27.13);