Samp 0.3.7 - RC2 Same Bugs

I think the cause is that player nearest faced object becomes the car then camera approximate from the car like when you start facing some kind of wall, its not a bug i think. Anyways it should be fixed.

Messages In This Thread
Samp 0.3.7 - RC2 Same Bugs - by JR_Junior - 07.03.2015, 19:30
AW: Samp 0.3.7 - RC2 Same Bugs - by Morpheus1992 - 07.03.2015, 20:12
Re: Samp 0.3.7 - RC2 Same Bugs - by n0minal - 07.03.2015, 21:47
Re: Samp 0.3.7 - RC2 Same Bugs - by Matite - 08.03.2015, 07:11
Re: Samp 0.3.7 - RC2 Same Bugs - by OKStyle - 08.03.2015, 07:49
Re: Samp 0.3.7 - RC2 Same Bugs - by JR_Junior - 08.03.2015, 15:14

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