shoot in RangeOfPoint

It's not working because you're not using 0.3z or above. You need to use 0.3z for that callback to work. Additionally, 110.0 is a VERY high range are you sure you want to use such a big radius?

Messages In This Thread
shoot in RangeOfPoint - by s3ek - 07.03.2015, 16:53
Re: shoot in RangeOfPoint - by ATGOggy - 07.03.2015, 16:59
Re: shoot in RangeOfPoint - by s3ek - 07.03.2015, 17:12
Re: shoot in RangeOfPoint - by Abagail - 07.03.2015, 17:25
Re: shoot in RangeOfPoint - by s3ek - 07.03.2015, 17:33
Respuesta: shoot in RangeOfPoint - by JuanStone - 07.03.2015, 17:33
Re: shoot in RangeOfPoint - by s3ek - 07.03.2015, 18:03
Re: shoot in RangeOfPoint - by s3ek - 07.03.2015, 18:38
Respuesta: shoot in RangeOfPoint - by JuanStone - 08.03.2015, 01:27
AW: Respuesta: shoot in RangeOfPoint - by BiosMarcel - 08.03.2015, 01:39

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