majorly awkward error issue

its not really in the code... its a problem with a custom function. Here's the stock for the function:

stock RespawnVehicle(vehicleid)
	new playerscount;
	for(new i = 0; i < GetMaxPlayers(); i++)
	  if (IsPlayerInVehicle(i,vehicleid))
	    rv[vehicleid] = SetTimerEx("ResVeh",3000,0,"d",vehicleid);
	if (playerscount == 0) SetVehicleToRespawn(vehicleid);
At first I tried having it in a .INC, but that didn't work, so I put it directly at the end of the filterscript, and that didn't help. So I finally tried both at the same time, and that's how i got that error message. That being said, the program knows it is there, but it is lying to me and telling me it isn't there.

Messages In This Thread
majorly awkward error issue - by Annihalation - 16.07.2009, 08:24
Re: majorly awkward error issue - by LordShigi - 16.07.2009, 08:27
Re: majorly awkward error issue - by Annihalation - 16.07.2009, 08:31
Re: majorly awkward error issue - by LordShigi - 16.07.2009, 08:34
Re: majorly awkward error issue - by Annihalation - 16.07.2009, 08:38
Re: majorly awkward error issue - by LordShigi - 16.07.2009, 08:48

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