Custom Number Plate System

I'm creating a number plate system for my server so that when a player registers their vehicle in the DMV, they get a number plate. I know how to set the number plate but how do I generate the number-plate and add it to a text-document. Then the next person that registers their car it will cycle through the text document a generate a number that is not already taken. How would I do that?

Messages In This Thread
Custom Number Plate System - by Ciarannn - 06.03.2015, 14:06
AW: Custom Number Plate System - by Kaliber - 06.03.2015, 14:29
Re: AW: Custom Number Plate System - by Ciarannn - 06.03.2015, 14:41
Re: Custom Number Plate System - by Vince - 06.03.2015, 14:44

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