
You can use strcat, although not much reason to if that works fine.

Messages In This Thread
short - by TuNiSiAnO1 - 06.03.2015, 10:16
Re: short - by CalvinC - 06.03.2015, 10:30
Re: short - by Vince - 06.03.2015, 10:37
Re: short - by TuNiSiAnO1 - 06.03.2015, 11:32
Respuesta: short - by JuanStone - 06.03.2015, 11:49
AW: Respuesta: short - by Kaliber - 06.03.2015, 11:59
Respuesta: AW: Respuesta: short - by JuanStone - 06.03.2015, 13:31
AW: Respuesta: AW: Respuesta: short - by Kaliber - 06.03.2015, 13:51

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