Halp (OnDialogResponse)

In TextDraw4[playerid], is the id of the TextDraw, not the text

You must safe the text in a variable to check this


Messages In This Thread
Halp (OnDialogResponse) - by MafiaOink - 04.03.2015, 16:04
Re: Halp (OnDialogResponse) - by CalvinC - 04.03.2015, 16:07
AW: Halp (OnDialogResponse) - by Kaliber - 04.03.2015, 16:07
Re: Halp (OnDialogResponse) - by MafiaOink - 04.03.2015, 16:08
Re: Halp (OnDialogResponse) - by CalvinC - 04.03.2015, 16:18

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