Help with a loop. [EASY]

Originally Posted by Golimad
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Your mistake is : if(i > MAX_PLAYERS)
should be if(i < MAX_PLAYERS) I guess
if(i > MAX_PLAYERS) goto loop_stop = if I is bigger than MAX PLAYERS go to label called loop stop.

if(i < MAX_PLAYERS) goto loop_stop = if I is smaller than MAX PLAYERS go to label called loop stop.

You are incorrect sadly.

I dont need to 'break' it as I send the code to somewhere else and it should STOP counting when it reaches MAX PLAYERS, but it don't.

Messages In This Thread
Help with a loop. [EASY] - by $Marco$ - 04.03.2015, 13:02
Re: Help with a loop. [EASY] - by Jimmy0wns - 04.03.2015, 13:08
Re : Re: Help with a loop. [EASY] - by $Marco$ - 04.03.2015, 13:12
Re: Help with a loop. [EASY] - by Schneider - 04.03.2015, 13:15
Re : Help with a loop. [EASY] - by Golimad - 04.03.2015, 13:17
Re : Re: Help with a loop. [EASY] - by $Marco$ - 04.03.2015, 13:18
Re : Help with a loop. [EASY] - by Golimad - 04.03.2015, 13:20
Re : Help with a loop. [EASY] - by $Marco$ - 04.03.2015, 13:22
Re : Help with a loop. [EASY] - by Golimad - 04.03.2015, 13:26
Re: Re : Help with a loop. [EASY] - by $Marco$ - 04.03.2015, 13:28

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