Setting skin after use of command

if(sscanf(params, "us", ID, Type)) ( you forgot the "s" )

Also if(strcmp(Type, "on", true) == 0)
change to :
if(!strcmp(Type, "on", false))
and the off one to :
if(!strcmp(Type, "off", false))
Little edit : SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100000000); change to : SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 0x7F800000); because 1000000000000000000000 isn't gonna save you from fall damage.

Messages In This Thread
Setting skin after use of command - by LeXuZ - 03.03.2015, 21:13
Re: Setting skin after use of command - by Schneider - 03.03.2015, 21:39
Re: Setting skin after use of command - by Abagail - 03.03.2015, 21:45
Re: Setting skin after use of command - by LeXuZ - 03.03.2015, 21:53
Re : Setting skin after use of command - by Golimad - 03.03.2015, 23:22
Re: Setting skin after use of command - by LeXuZ - 05.03.2015, 16:38
Re: Setting skin after use of command - by CalvinC - 05.03.2015, 16:48
Re: Setting skin after use of command - by LeXuZ - 05.03.2015, 17:42
Re: Setting skin after use of command - by CalvinC - 05.03.2015, 17:49
Re : Setting skin after use of command - by Golimad - 05.03.2015, 20:03

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