03.03.2015, 21:12
Hello I would like it to list the persons crime when you type in the persons name. I am very lost at the moment so I am unsure on how to implement this into it. Thanks for the responses.
PHP код:
case EFactionsDialog_Wanted: {
if (response)
new rows, fields;
new id_string[128];
new string[128];
new giveplayerid;
giveplayerid = ReturnUser(inputtext);
new dstring[256];
new sendername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
new sqlid = strval(inputtext);
sendCrimes(playerid, sqlid);
format(dstring, sizeof(dstring), "Players Warrents(%s)\nNumber of Warrents(%d)",string,GetPlayerWantedLevel(giveplayerid));
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,EFactionsDialog_Wanted,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"MOBILE DATA COMPUTER",dstring,"Select","Cancel");
PHP код:
sendCrimes(playerid, sqlid) {
format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT `crimes`.`id`,`c1`.`username`,`c2`.`username`,`reason`,`issuetime` FROM `crimes` INNER JOIN `characters` AS `c1` ON `c1`.`id` = `suspect` LEFT JOIN `characters` AS `c2` ON `c2`.`id` = `issuer` WHERE `suspect` = %d",sqlid);
mysql_function_query(g_mysql_handle, query, true, "OnCrimesRetrieve", "d",playerid);
PHP код:
forward OnCrimesRetrieve(playerid);
public OnCrimesRetrieve(playerid) {
new rows, fields;
new id_string[128];
new string[128];
cache_get_data(rows, fields);
if(rows > 0) {
for(new i=0;i<rows;i++) {
cache_get_row(i, 2, id_string);
if(!strcmp(id_string, "NULL", true)) {
format(string, sizeof(string), "* Issuer: %s",id_string);
SendClientMessage(playerid, X11_WHITE,string);
cache_get_row(i, 3, id_string);
format(string, sizeof(string), "* Reason: %s",id_string);
SendClientMessage(playerid, X11_WHITE,string);
cache_get_row(i, 4, id_string);
if(id_string[0] == '0') {
format(string, sizeof(string), "* Issued: %s",id_string);
SendClientMessage(playerid, X11_WHITE,string);