Whats wrong with this code?

  if(strcmp("/bankcmd", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
		if (PlayerToPoint(2, playerid,2316.5947,-7.8318, 26.7422))
  		SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "|______ Bank Commands ______|");
		SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_WHITE, "/withdraw to withdraw your money");
    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_WHITE, "/deposit to deposit your money");
    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_WHITE, "/bankstats to check your money");
    return 1;
    SendClientMessage(playerid, RED, "To use that command you must be in a bank!");
Whats wrong with this code? i want it so when the player is at the bank icon they type /bankcmd then these commands show up, but on my server even if im not at the bank icon and i type /bankcmd it still shows the command...how do i fix this?

Messages In This Thread
Whats wrong with this code? - by killdahobo99 - 15.07.2009, 16:40
Re: Whats wrong with this code? - by yezizhu - 15.07.2009, 16:46
Re: Whats wrong with this code? - by killdahobo99 - 15.07.2009, 16:48
Re: Whats wrong with this code? - by ledzep - 15.07.2009, 16:52
Re: Whats wrong with this code? - by killdahobo99 - 15.07.2009, 16:59
Re: Whats wrong with this code? - by ledzep - 15.07.2009, 17:17
Re: Whats wrong with this code? - by killdahobo99 - 15.07.2009, 17:32
Re: Whats wrong with this code? - by Rac3r - 15.07.2009, 17:36
Re: Whats wrong with this code? - by killdahobo99 - 15.07.2009, 17:40
Re: Whats wrong with this code? - by Rac3r - 15.07.2009, 19:42

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