Center message?

Originally Posted by krawN
Hey everybody.

I just saw in some servers, when you enter to the server, in the middle of screen shows a message with the rules or something. Just like Party Server.

Is there anyone who can tell me how to do it?

Most admin scripts like gAdmin or ladmin have where you can manually "announce" something on your server if you are listed as top admin with 5 rating.
But if you are talking about stuff like party server its scripted at
public OnPlayerConnect..... and the skin selection text is done at
public OnplayerSelectClass......
And its done with alot of this GameTextForPlayer(playerid,"~y~Welcome to the Carnage!!!", 6000, 5);
The numbers and things like ~~~~~y~~~"something here" ,each ~ pushes the text to a certain point,you have to find out how its done,you have to picture your screen as a peice of paper and each~ moves the text around to where you want it.And then things like ~~~b~~~ the letter being the color,so r(ed) b(lue) y(ellow and so on.

Messages In This Thread
Center message? - by krawN - 14.07.2009, 14:36
Re: Center message? - by saiberfun - 14.07.2009, 14:51
Re: Center message? - by krawN - 14.07.2009, 15:06
Re: Center message? - by Mr_Finnigan - 14.07.2009, 15:15

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