23.02.2015, 19:20
you don't need to loop between house ids !
just select all rows and then catche them
i'll edit your code:
and i have a question!
why you use "varchar" type for all columns ?![undecided](images/smilies/neutral.gif)
you don't need it. use integers + floats for integers and floats![undecided](images/smilies/neutral.gif)
for example:
cache_get_field_content(0, "Locked", savingstring), hInfo[i][Locked] = strval(savingstring);
"Locked" column will be only 1 or 0. you don't need use varchare type and then use strval !
or for positions !
edit your database + this function
good luck buddy
you don't need to loop between house ids !
just select all rows and then catche them
i'll edit your code:
pawn Код:
forward LoadHouses();
public LoadHouses()
mysql_tquery(mysql, "SELECT * FROM `HouseTable`", "OnLoadHouses");
return 1;
forward OnLoadHouses();
public OnLoadHouses()
for(new i = 1; i <= cache_get_row_count(); i++)
cache_get_field_content(0, "ID", savingstring), hInfo[i][HID] = strval(savingstring);
cache_get_field_content(0, "Owner", hInfo[i][HID], mysql);
cache_get_field_content(0, "Owned", savingstring), hInfo[i][Owned] = strval(savingstring);
cache_get_field_content(0, "Locked", savingstring), hInfo[i][Locked] = strval(savingstring);
cache_get_field_content(0, "Price", savingstring), hInfo[i][Price] = strval(savingstring);
cache_get_field_content(0, "OX", savingstring), hInfo[i][OX] = strval(savingstring);
cache_get_field_content(0, "OY", savingstring), hInfo[i][OY] = strval(savingstring);
cache_get_field_content(0, "OZ", savingstring), hInfo[i][OZ] = strval(savingstring);
cache_get_field_content(0, "World", savingstring), hInfo[i][World] = strval(savingstring);
cache_get_field_content(0, "OnSale", savingstring), hInfo[i][OnSale] = strval(savingstring);
cache_get_field_content(0, "InteriorID", savingstring), hInfo[i][InteriorID] = strval(savingstring);
if(hInfo[i][OnSale] == 0 )
case 0:
format(lString, sizeof(lString), "House Owned: No\nHouse Owner: None\nHouse Price: $%i", hInfo[i][Price]);
hInfo[i][Label] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(lString, 0x00B9FFFF, hInfo[i][OX], hInfo[i][OY], hInfo[i][OZ]+0.5, 36.0);
hInfo[i][Icon] = CreateDynamicMapIcon(hInfo[i][OX], hInfo[i][OY], hInfo[i][OZ], 31, -1);
hInfo[i][EnterPickup] = CreateDynamicPickup(1273, 23, hInfo[i][OX], hInfo[i][OY], hInfo[i][OZ], -1, -1, -1, 36.0);
case 1:
format(lString, sizeof(lString),"House Owned: Yes\nHouse Owner: %s\nHouse Locked: %s", hInfo[i][Owner], (hInfo[i][Locked] == 1) ? ("Yes") : ("No"));
hInfo[i][Label] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(lString, 0xFF0000FF, hInfo[i][OX], hInfo[i][OY], hInfo[i][OZ]+0.5, 36.0);
hInfo[i][EnterPickup] = CreateDynamicPickup(1273, 23, hInfo[i][OX],hInfo[i][OY], hInfo[i][OZ], -1, -1, -1, 36.0);
if(hInfo[i][OnSale] == 1)
format(lString, sizeof(lString),"House Owned: Yes\nHouse Owner: %s\nHouse Price: $%i\nHouse On Sale: Yes", hInfo[i][Owner], hInfo[i][Price]);
hInfo[i][Label] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(lString, 0xD65418FF, hInfo[i][OX], hInfo[i][OY], hInfo[i][OZ]+0.5, 36.0);
hInfo[i][Icon] = CreateDynamicMapIcon(hInfo[i][OX], hInfo[i][OY], hInfo[i][OZ], 32, -1);
hInfo[i][EnterPickup] = CreateDynamicPickup(1273, 23, hInfo[i][OX],hInfo[i][OY], hInfo[i][OZ], -1, -1, -1, 36.0);
printf("[House System] %i houses were created...", CreatedHouses);
return 1;
and i have a question!
why you use "varchar" type for all columns ?
you don't need it. use integers + floats for integers and floats
for example:
cache_get_field_content(0, "Locked", savingstring), hInfo[i][Locked] = strval(savingstring);
"Locked" column will be only 1 or 0. you don't need use varchare type and then use strval !
or for positions !
edit your database + this function
good luck buddy