How Can I get my ServeR Popular?

First of all. are you running this from your pc? i added it to my list and was getting a 1K+ ping to it. if you want allot of people on your server, you will need a professional host if you want a good ping and a professional host that is reliable so your server wont go down randomly.

that's a start.

Messages In This Thread
How Can I get my ServeR Popular? - by clean180ollie - 14.07.2009, 01:25
Re: How Can I get my ServeR Popular? - by StrickenKid - 14.07.2009, 01:31
Re: How Can I get my ServeR Popular? - by clean180ollie - 14.07.2009, 01:44
Re: How Can I get my ServeR Popular? - by Abernethy - 14.07.2009, 01:49
Re: How Can I get my ServeR Popular? - by propilot - 14.07.2009, 01:55
Re: How Can I get my ServeR Popular? - by Abernethy - 14.07.2009, 01:57
Re: How Can I get my ServeR Popular? - by CJ101 - 14.07.2009, 01:58
Re: How Can I get my ServeR Popular? - by clean180ollie - 14.07.2009, 01:58
Re: How Can I get my ServeR Popular? - by clean180ollie - 14.07.2009, 02:30
Re: How Can I get my ServeR Popular? - by clean180ollie - 17.07.2009, 10:28

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