20.02.2015, 13:18
first sorry for the delay !@#$% ISP
well thank u all guys but the thing is i am making a grenade launcher that needs to be moved every 0.1 seconds or it will seem weird (it even seems weird with 0.1 secs) and for the grenade object i need its pos every 0.1 secs
so there are 2 ways of doing that (that i know of)
1) creating a timer of 100 as delay and calculate its pos int the timer (and this is really tiring for any pc or server)
2)Creating an array with all the poses of the object an the timer set before will only move it
and there is the problem ... the array size may vary with huge numbers so sometimes i maybe need only 4 poses an other times i may need 100 poses so i am in need of a dynamic array to fulfill that OR another way of coding it.
and ****** the thing is i don't wanna use 4 spaces of an array of 100 ... that's horrible for me and also if many ones are using the grenade launcher at the same time i may need a huge computer memory.
well thank u all guys but the thing is i am making a grenade launcher that needs to be moved every 0.1 seconds or it will seem weird (it even seems weird with 0.1 secs) and for the grenade object i need its pos every 0.1 secs
so there are 2 ways of doing that (that i know of)
1) creating a timer of 100 as delay and calculate its pos int the timer (and this is really tiring for any pc or server)
2)Creating an array with all the poses of the object an the timer set before will only move it
and there is the problem ... the array size may vary with huge numbers so sometimes i maybe need only 4 poses an other times i may need 100 poses so i am in need of a dynamic array to fulfill that OR another way of coding it.
and ****** the thing is i don't wanna use 4 spaces of an array of 100 ... that's horrible for me and also if many ones are using the grenade launcher at the same time i may need a huge computer memory.