Vehicle virtual world and interior

Hello ... again.

I've got another problem which I don't see solution for it.
I made that vehicles save their virtual world and interior in the file. On server restart 'LoadDynamicCars()' is called which spawns all the cars from the file. I also added SetVehicleVirtualWorld & LinkVehicleToInterior, so vehicles would be set in the right vw and interior.

When I teleport to interior and vw where vehicle should spawn there is nothing. I put myself in that vehicle ID and I become invisable (I am still in the right interior and virtual world). I use command which just does
					new inter = GetPlayerInterior(playerid);
					new world = GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid);
					LinkVehicleToInterior(vehicleid, DynamicCars[car][Interior]);
					SetVehicleVirtualWorld(vehicleid, DynamicCars[car][World]);
and I and vehicle become visable.

So basically vehicle is in the right virtual world and interior just stuck a little bit off ground and invisable. When I put myself in that vehicle vehicle blink a bit, so I can see it for a second before it disappears.
Oh and vehicles in vw and interior 0 spawn normally, just vehicles in any other interiors and virtual worlds cause problems. I have also tried to call SetVehicleVirtualWorld & LinkVehicleToInterior two times on 'LoadDynamicCars()', but nothing has changed.

I was thinking quite a bit, but I haven't found any solution to this yet.

Thanks for help

Messages In This Thread
Vehicle virtual world and interior - by Sergei - 13.07.2009, 19:57
Re: Vehicle virtual world and interior - by Sergei - 13.07.2009, 20:10
Re: Vehicle virtual world and interior - by lavamike - 13.07.2009, 20:14
Re: Vehicle virtual world and interior - by Sergei - 13.07.2009, 20:33
Re: Vehicle virtual world and interior - by Sergei - 14.07.2009, 07:48

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