16.02.2015, 01:40
Last edited by Crayder; 16/02/2015 at 05:23 AM.
It seems to be working... Now about that health bar... :P
Should it be this large?
Also, would you consider adding custom colors? (Possibly the fading color array I provided above :3)
EDIT: You could also consider adding damage to unoccupied vehicles (I made a pull request to do so), and damage when falling into water (this would be awesome).
EDIT2:For pawns function list: (retrieved using regex on include)
Ps. I like how I can still move my head when I'm dead... :P (I usually keep /headmove on though, so it doesn't bother me)
Should it be this large?
Also, would you consider adding custom colors? (Possibly the fading color array I provided above :3)
EDIT: You could also consider adding damage to unoccupied vehicles (I made a pull request to do so), and damage when falling into water (this would be awesome).
EDIT2:For pawns function list: (retrieved using regex on include)
/* native public OnPlayerPrepareDeath(playerid, animlib[32], animname[32], &anim_lock, &respawn_time) native public OnRejectedHit(playerid, hit[E_REJECTED_HIT]) native public OnPlayerDeathFinished(playerid) native public OnInvalidWeaponDamage(playerid, damagedid, Float:amount, weaponid, bodypart, error, bool:given) native public OnPlayerDamageDone(playerid, Float:amount, issuerid, weapon, bodypart) native public OnPlayerDamage(&playerid, &Float:amount, &issuerid, &weapon, &bodypart) native stock IsBulletWeapon(weaponid) native stock IsHighRateWeapon(weaponid) native stock IsMeleeWeapon(weaponid) native stock IsPlayerSpawned(playerid) native stock AverageShootRate(playerid, shots, &multiple_weapons = 0) native stock AverageHitRate(playerid, hits, &multiple_weapons = 0) native stock SetRespawnTime(ms) native stock GetRespawnTime() native stock ReturnWeaponName(weaponid) native stock SetWeaponDamage(weaponid, damage_type, Float:amount, Float:...) native stock SetDamageSounds(taken, given) native stock SetCustomFallDamage(bool:toggle, Float:damage_multiplier = 25.0, Float:death_velocity = -0.6) native stock SetCustomVendingMachines(bool:toggle) native stock SetVehiclePassengerDamage(bool:toggle) native stock SetDamageFeed(bool:toggle) native stock SetWeaponShootRate(weaponid, max_rate) native stock IsPlayerDying(playerid) native stock SetWeaponMaxRange(weaponid, Float:range) native stock DamagePlayer(playerid, Float:amount, issuerid = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, weaponid = WEAPON_UNKNOWN, bodypart = BODY_PART_UNKNOWN) native stock GetRejectedHit(playerid, idx, output[], maxlength = sizeof(output)) native static UpdatePlayerVirtualWorld(playerid) native static HasSameTeam(playerid, otherid) native static IsPlayerPaused(playerid) native static UpdateHealthBar(playerid, bool:force = false) native static SetHealthBarVisible(playerid, bool:toggle) native static PosInFront(playerid, Float:distance, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z) native static UpdateSyncData(playerid) native static RemoveDefaultVendingMachines(playerid) native static CreateVendingMachines() native static DestroyVendingMachines() native static ProcessDamage(&playerid, &issuerid, &Float:amount, &weaponid, &bodypart, &Float:bullets) native static InflictDamage(playerid, Float:amount, issuerid = INVALID_PLAYER_ID, weaponid = WEAPON_UNKNOWN, bodypart = BODY_PART_UNKNOWN) native static PlayerDeath(playerid, animlib[32], animname[32], anim_lock = 1, respawn_time = -1, bool:freeze_sync = true) native static DamageFeedUpdate(playerid, bool:modified = false) native static DamageFeedUpdateText(playerid) native static DamageFeedAddHitGiven(playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weapon) native static DamageFeedAddHitTaken(playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weapon) native static DamageFeedAddHit(arr[WC_FEED_HEIGHT][E_DAMAGE_FEED_HIT], playerid, issuerid, Float:amount, weapon) native static DamageFeedRemoveHit(arr[WC_FEED_HEIGHT][E_DAMAGE_FEED_HIT], idx) native static ResyncPlayer(playerid) native static Float:AngleBetweenPoints(Float:x1, Float:y1, Float:x2, Float:y2) native static MakePlayerFacePlayer(playerid, targetid, opposite = false, forcesync = true) native static IsPlayerBehindPlayer(playerid, targetid, Float:diff = 90.0) native static AddRejectedHit(playerid, damagedid, reason, weapon, i1 = 0, i2 = 0, i3 = 0) */