[FilterScript] Teleport with dialog

Hello! Today I made a teleportation system with dialogue. I hope to be. The system contains teleport to Los Santos, San Fierro, Las Venturas, Grove Street, Dillimore and Chiliad.

.pwn -> http://www.solidfiles.com/d/ef67be434f/teles.pwn
.amx -> http://www.solidfiles.com/d/e0e9896fb2/teles.amx

Messages In This Thread
Teleport with dialog - by Fusher - 11.02.2015, 14:38
Re: Teleport with dialog - by SpikY_ - 11.02.2015, 16:36
Re: Teleport with dialog - by ZombieNest - 13.02.2015, 12:40

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