server shutting down for no reason

i use mysql R5
when im try connect to my server,my server shutting down self for no reason

last log.

Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3z, ©2005-2014 SA-MP Team

[17:29:56] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[17:29:56] Server Plugins
[17:29:56] --------------
[17:29:56]  Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.7.5 by Incognito loaded ***

[17:29:56]   Loaded.
[17:29:56]  Loading plugin: sscanf

[17:29:56]  ===============================

[17:29:56]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[17:29:56]    © 2009 Alex "******" Cole

[17:29:56]    0.3d-R2 500 Players "dnee"

[17:29:56]  ===============================

[17:29:56]   Loaded.
[17:29:56]  Loading plugin: mysql

  > MySQL plugin R5 successfully loaded.

[17:29:56]   Loaded.
[17:29:56]  Loading plugin: gvar

*** GVar Plugin v1.3 by Incognito loaded ***

[17:29:56]   Loaded.
[17:29:56]  Loading plugin: whirlpool
[17:29:56]  ==================
[17:29:56]   Whirlpool loaded
[17:29:56]  ==================
[17:29:56]   Loaded.
[17:29:56]  Loading plugin: LIFE-CMD
[17:29:56] *====================================================*
[17:29:56] *                                                    *
[17:29:56] *                  LIFE:CMD - Loaded                 *
[17:29:56] *                                                    *
[17:29:56] *                    Version: v2.0                   *
[17:29:56] *                                                    *
[17:29:56] *                    ©2013 Kazon                   *
[17:29:56] *                                                    *
[17:29:56] *====================================================*

[17:29:56]   Loaded.
[17:29:56]  Loaded 6 plugins.

[17:29:56] Ban list
[17:29:56] --------
[17:29:56]  Loaded: samp.ban
[17:29:56] Filterscripts
[17:29:56] ---------------
[17:29:56]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[17:29:56]  ======================================= 
[17:29:56]  |                                     | 
[17:29:56]  |        YSI version 3.09.0684        | 
[17:29:56]  |        By Alex "******" Cole        | 
[17:29:56]  |                                     | 
[17:29:56]  ======================================= 
[17:29:59] :: MySQL Conecting :: To '' as 'savserve_prop' to database 'savserve_ufx'.
[17:30:00] :: MySQL :: Connection to '' established.
[17:30:00] :: MySQL :: Database 'savserve_ufx' selected.
[17:30:01] Successfully Loaded [  ] goldpots
[17:30:01] - 32 Forbidden Names Loaded
[17:30:01] - 27 Forbidden Tags Loaded
[17:30:01] - 28 Forbidden Words Loaded
[17:30:01] Spawned [ 4 ] Hot Air Balloons
[17:30:01] Loaded 3 vehicles from: vehicles/trains.txt
[17:30:01] Loaded 15 vehicles from: vehicles/lv_law.txt
[17:30:01] Loaded 255 vehicles from: vehicles/lv_gen.txt
[17:30:01] Loaded 38 vehicles from: vehicles/sf_law.txt
[17:30:01] Loaded 353 vehicles from: vehicles/sf_gen.txt
[17:30:01] Loaded 24 vehicles from: vehicles/ls_law.txt
[17:30:01] Loaded 98 vehicles from: vehicles/ls_gen_inner.txt
[17:30:01] Loaded 389 vehicles from: vehicles/ls_gen_outer.txt
[17:30:01] Total vehicles from files: [ 1175 ]
[17:30:01]   The server started up at 17:30:01 on 11/02/2015
[17:30:01]   The server started up at 1423675801 epoch time
[17:30:01] Number of vehicle models: 169
[17:30:01] errorid: 1146 | error: Table 'savserve_ufx.goldpot_data' doesn't exist | resultid: -1 | extraid: -1 | callback: NULL | query: SELECT `id` FROM `goldpot_data` ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1
[17:30:01] errorid: 1146 | error: Table 'savserve_ufx.Accounts' doesn't exist | resultid: 20 | extraid: 0 | callback: OnQueryFinish | query: UPDATE `Accounts` SET `LoggedIn` = '0' WHERE `LoggedIn` = '1'
[17:30:02] errorid: 1146 | error: Table 'savserve_ufx.Houses' doesn't exist | resultid: 8 | extraid: 0 | callback: OnQueryFinish | query: SELECT * FROM `Houses`
[17:30:03] errorid: 1146 | error: Table 'savserve_ufx.Props' doesn't exist | resultid: 14 | extraid: 0 | callback: OnQueryFinish | query: SELECT * FROM `Props`
[17:30:04] errorid: 1146 | error: Table 'savserve_ufx.Gangs' doesn't exist | resultid: 10 | extraid: 0 | callback: OnQueryFinish | query: SELECT * FROM `Gangs`
[17:30:06] Loading teritories...
[17:30:06] Successfully Loaded [ 7 ] teritories
[17:30:08] Loading gang checkpoints...
[17:30:08] Successfully Loaded [ 7 ] gang checkpoints
[17:30:10] errorid: 1146 | error: Table 'savserve_ufx.PersonalVehicles' doesn't exist | resultid: 16 | extraid: 0 | callback: OnQueryFinish | query: SELECT * FROM `PersonalVehicles`
[17:30:11] errorid: 1146 | error: Table 'savserve_ufx.Duels' doesn't exist | resultid: 29 | extraid: 0 | callback: OnQueryFinish | query: SELECT * FROM `Duels`
[17:30:27] Incoming connection:
[17:30:27] [join] Dekisugi has joined the server (0:

Messages In This Thread
server shutting down for no reason - by PowerF - 11.02.2015, 10:01
Re: server shutting down for no reason - by Sew_Sumi - 11.02.2015, 10:36
Re: server shutting down for no reason - by zetX - 03.03.2015, 10:55
Re : server shutting down for no reason - by LinuxViper - 03.03.2015, 11:16
Re: server shutting down for no reason - by zetX - 03.03.2015, 11:22
Re: server shutting down for no reason - by BroZeus - 03.03.2015, 13:28
Re: server shutting down for no reason - by Sew_Sumi - 03.03.2015, 14:01

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