SetObjectMaterialText & Entering a Building


Entering a Building
I want a automatic entrance and exit to buildings such as this ammunation. Basically if you enter the icon/short area you'll be teleported into the building just like single player.
2124.0105,-1185.6470,24.0198,270.0499,0,0,0,0,0,0); // ENTRANCE - ARROW OUTSIDE
2126.8274,-1185.6943,24.0335,90.4607,0,0,0,0,0,0); // EXIT - INTERIOR

Messages In This Thread
SetObjectMaterialText [Solved] & Entering a Building - by Zmith - 11.02.2015, 04:50
Re: SetObjectMaterialText & Entering a Building - by CalvinC - 11.02.2015, 04:59
Re: SetObjectMaterialText & Entering a Building - by Zmith - 11.02.2015, 05:08
Re: SetObjectMaterialText & Entering a Building - by CalvinC - 11.02.2015, 05:30
Re: SetObjectMaterialText & Entering a Building - by Zmith - 11.02.2015, 05:51
Re: SetObjectMaterialText & Entering a Building - by Zmith - 11.02.2015, 11:30

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