11.02.2015, 02:27
OnPlayerTakeDamage() is not really well suited for this task at all in fact your entire system sidesteps real issues I won't really get into too much but the concept of this system is good implementation is insufficient.
You can't set damage less than the amount of a weapon it will still kill the player now I see your system tries to address this by setting the HP to max but did you check health bars on the player to make sure they line up? Otherwise other players won't know how much HP that player really has.
Another problem is lagcomp is not very reliable so using an proper skinhit system would help out a lot.
You can't set damage less than the amount of a weapon it will still kill the player now I see your system tries to address this by setting the HP to max but did you check health bars on the player to make sure they line up? Otherwise other players won't know how much HP that player really has.
Another problem is lagcomp is not very reliable so using an proper skinhit system would help out a lot.