Files or MySQL

Your answer, ******, is very, how should I say, inspiring.

If you read between the lines, you can surely see that you want from me to create something unique, something that isn't already done. We are all tired of seeing same stuff over and over again. If we think, plan and create by our head and hands, we wouldn't need others help. Thank you , Alex(Is it Alex?), for reminding me that!

Messages In This Thread
Files or MySQL - by Sime30 - 06.02.2015, 22:13
Re: Files or MySQL - by Luis- - 06.02.2015, 22:18
Re: Files or MySQL - by Vince - 06.02.2015, 22:31
Re: Files or MySQL - by EnforcerDon - 07.02.2015, 07:03
Re: Files or MySQL - by Sime30 - 07.02.2015, 17:27
Re: Files or MySQL - by CalvinC - 07.02.2015, 17:32
Re: Files or MySQL - by Sime30 - 07.02.2015, 19:36

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