[HELP] dialog enter exit

You could create a variable and set it to 1 when a player enters the building.
Then when he moves away from the pickup inside the building, set the variable to 0.

Then only make the exit dialog pop up if the variable is set to 0.

Messages In This Thread
[HELP] dialog enter exit - by Luca12 - 07.02.2015, 13:00
Re: [HELP] dialog enter exit - by HazardouS - 07.02.2015, 13:03
Re: [HELP] dialog enter exit - by Luca12 - 07.02.2015, 17:23
Re: [HELP] dialog enter exit - by CalvinC - 07.02.2015, 17:29
Re: [HELP] dialog enter exit - by sw3das - 07.02.2015, 18:02

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