MySQL - Floats rounding up/down

Originally Posted by Vince
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Floating point values aren't exact because that is their nature. If you really care that much about that 0.001 offset, add '+ 0' to your column in the select query. It's not like you are anyone else is going to notice that they spawn 1 centimeter to the right of where they're supposed to spawn.
its not a centimeter its more like when the float is set +0.0003 the spawn position changes for around 8 meters or smthn (kinda weird but its like that, if you believe me or not)

and its not always the same difference its more like its randomly rounding the floats

Messages In This Thread
MySQL - Floats rounding up/down - by Saize - 04.02.2015, 18:36
AW: MySQL - Floats rounding up/down - by Saize - 04.02.2015, 18:45
AW: MySQL - Floats rounding up/down - by Saize - 04.02.2015, 19:00
Re: MySQL - Floats rounding up/down - by Vince - 04.02.2015, 19:35
AW: Re: MySQL - Floats rounding up/down - by Saize - 04.02.2015, 19:37
Re: MySQL - Floats rounding up/down - by PowerPC603 - 04.02.2015, 20:20
AW: Re: MySQL - Floats rounding up/down - by Saize - 04.02.2015, 20:22
AW: MySQL - Floats rounding up/down - by Saize - 05.02.2015, 23:11
Re: MySQL - Floats rounding up/down - by Maximus0 - 05.02.2015, 23:50
AW: MySQL - Floats rounding up/down - by Saize - 06.02.2015, 06:45

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