[Ajuda] Balas Traзantes.

Varias traзantes ai soltas pela NET so que todas estгo bugadas.
Tu toma 1 tiro perde life como se tivesse tomado 2.
Vocк atirar a longa distancia de sniper o outro player nao perde life, e quando voce atira em alguem a traзante atravessa...
O codigo й esse:
MaxBullet=4096	; Max number of bullet structure.
MaxWeapon=38	; Max ID of weapon in bullet_weapon.dat
RangeMult=10.0	; Weapon range multiplier
Gravity=1	; Enable gravity effect
GravityMult=1.0	; Gravity effect multiplier
AirResist=1	; Enable air resistance effect
Ricochet=1	; Enable recochet effect
Pierce=1	; Enable pierce effect
MaxLoop=4	; Max count of loop for one bullet in one frame
MinSpeed=0.004	; Bullet will be destroyed if speed is less than this value
ColBias=0.01	; Distance from surface of recocheted, pierced bullet
SolidBias=0.1	; Distance for piercing solid
SolidLoop=50	; Max loop count for piercing solid
Se alguem souber desbugar agradeзo.

Messages In This Thread
Balas Traзantes. - by SeckSeck - 03.02.2015, 18:25
Re: Balas Traзantes. - by PT - 03.02.2015, 23:06
Respuesta: Re: Balas Traзantes. - by SeckSeck - 04.02.2015, 17:16
Re: Balas Traзantes. - by PT - 04.02.2015, 18:04
Re: Balas Traзantes. - by ExPLORE - 04.02.2015, 18:28
Re: Balas Traзantes. - by davi54723 - 04.02.2015, 19:01

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