Camera LookAt Angle

I searched it and dint get any result, so here I am asking it again, like others.
Is there anyway to get the PlayerCameraLookAtANGLE?
I am not talking about his facing angle, but I wanna get where his camera is looking at[ANGLE].
Lets say, a player's Facing angle is 0.0, and he presses the MMB to look back, his Camera Angle is 180.0...
Or, a Player's Facing angle is 0.0 and he he turns with Side Arrow but his camera is still looking forward, Cam angle = 0.0 and FacingAngle = 90.0 or 270.0..
-Thank you for your time love.

Messages In This Thread
Camera LookAt Angle - by Mic_H - 01.02.2015, 16:00
Re: Camera LookAt Angle - by Gammix - 01.02.2015, 16:33

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