Help with command to remove file

He sorry to double post but ive gotten a bit further now.

Now I just need to delete a line, i found a few to find the line but not the number.

pawn Код:
public RemoveVehicle(id)
    new carid, vmodel, Float:x,Float:y,Float:z,Float:a,color1,color2;
    new File:fhandle,temp[256];
    fhandle = fopen("Cars/vehicles.cfg",io_read);
      sscanf(temp,"ddffffdd", carid, vmodel, x,y,z,a,color1,color2);
      if(id == carid){
        InfoMsgToAll("This is a car that needs to be deleted(this must be changed it something to remove the car");
    return 1;
I hope you can help me now.

Messages In This Thread
Help with command to remove file - by Jameston12 - 10.07.2009, 13:19
Re: Help with command to remove file - by lavamike - 10.07.2009, 13:25
Re: Help with command to remove file - by Jameston12 - 10.07.2009, 13:29
Re: Help with command to remove file - by Jameston12 - 10.07.2009, 14:45

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