29.01.2015, 15:48
Complications, complications and complications... First of all, UPDATE only pos X , pos Y and pos Z on disconnect. Things like level , donate rank etc UPDATE when it changes. Second: Why do you need that type? Save it normally, like the God commands! Third, look at my codes below ----
Extra notes: When you are updating, just use mysql_tquery(Handle, Query); , there is no need for callbacks. Use callbacks when you are SELECTing or INSERTing.
pawn Код:
new Query[ 300 ];
mysql_format(MySQLHandle, Query, sizeof(Query), "UPDATE users SET SKILL_M4 = %d, SKILL_SNIPERRIFLE = %d WHERE IDPlayer = %d", PlayaInfo[ playerid ][ SKILL_M4 ], PlayaInfo[ playerid ][ SKILL_SNIPERRIFLE ], PlayaInfo[ playerid ][ IDPlayer ]);
mysql_tquery(MySQLHandle, Query);
pawn Код:
forward OnAccountCheck(playerid);
public OnAccountCheck(playerid)