27.01.2015, 20:15
Theres no source/download yet, he will edit the topic with download links when somebody help him to finish the plugin (Release Development as you can see)...
Yes, i was thinking about this on OnObjectMoved but it really should desync a bit, i will think in something else...
@Edit: What about if you hook the MoveObject function, then you can update the colision stuff before moving object, it should take some miliseconds more to move an object but colision should be synced maybe?
Maybe in the future if someone can come up with a good way to step the simulation but syncing server sided physics wouldn't give good results for clients. You can update the position/rotation of a collision object but it needs a bit more work.
@Edit: What about if you hook the MoveObject function, then you can update the colision stuff before moving object, it should take some miliseconds more to move an object but colision should be synced maybe?