25.01.2015, 14:15
- All callbacks that handle return values are now correctly usable. (Cancel PlayerUpdateEvent, PlayerTextEvent, etc.)
- You can now call native functions from other plugins (make sure the shoebill plugin is the first entry in the plugins line in your server.cfg)
- Fixed the player.spawn() bug, they will now spawn normally
Cancel callbacks:
eventManager.registerHandler(PlayerTextEvent.class, event -> { if(event.getPlayer().isSpectating()) event.disallow(); //There will be no message in the chat if the player is currently spectating somebody });
AmxCallable createDynamicObject = null; for(AmxInstance instance : Shoebill.get().getAmxInstanceManager().getAmxInstances()) { createDynamicObject = instance.getNative("CreateDynamicObject"); if(createDynamicObject != null) { //found CreateDynamicObject native, call it like this: createDynamicObject.call(18421, ....); //normal pawn arguments. Make sure you put a f after a Float value, like this: 13.0f or 0f break; } }