Anti Sobiet fly hack problem..Rep+

public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
new animName[32], animLib[32], Float:playerGPos[MAX_PLAYERS][3];
GetAnimationName(GetPlayerAnimationIndex(playerid), animLib, sizeof(animLib), animName, sizeof(animName));
GetPlayerPos(playerid, playerGPos[playerid][0], playerGPos[playerid][1], playerGPos[playerid][2]);
if(strcmp(animLib, "SWIM", false) || playerGPos[playerid][2] <= 1.5)
 OnPlayerSwim(playerid, PLAYER_SWIM);
else OnPlayerSwim(playerid, PLAYER_HACK);


public OnPlayerSwim(playerid, status)
new Float:animX, Float:animY, Float:animZ;
new aNim = GetPlayerAnimationIndex(playerid);
GetPlayerPos(playerid, animX, animY, animZ);
	if((aNim >= 1538) && (aNim <= 1542) && animZ > 5)
	if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 50.0,2021.3466,1673.1593,8.0484) || !IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 50.0,2143.2383,1285.6169,7.9766 )|| !IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 50.0,2101.0918,1910.8403,9.0792 ))
	if(hacker[playerid] ==0)
	SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "You have been banned from the server. Reason: Sobiet Fly Hack");
	format(Jstring, 128, "Bot : %s has been banned from the server. Reason: Sobiet Fly Hack", GetName(playerid));
	SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_KRED, Jstring);
	hacker[playerid] =1;
 SetTimerEx("BP",10,false,"d", playerid);

return 1;
stock IsPlayerInWater(playerid) {
        new anim = GetPlayerAnimationIndex(playerid);
        if (((anim >=  1538) && (anim <= 1542)) || (anim == 1544) || (anim == 1250) || (anim == 1062)) return 1;
Its banning Players who are swimming in the Water......I detect the Sobiet fly hack but some places where they are swimming in water and got banned.. Help

Messages In This Thread
Anti Sobiet fly hack problem..Rep+ - by MBilal - 25.01.2015, 12:48
Re: Anti Sobiet fly hack problem..Rep+ - by GGW - 25.01.2015, 13:31

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