24.01.2015, 13:56
Here are my suggestions currently on my mind, hopefully Kalcor can consider.
- If a player times out, give us a function to see what kind of exception they received just so we can know if players are crashing because of a particular server feature or because of their extravagantly modified game.
- If you return 0 on OnPlayerTakeDamage, then it will completely void the damage (or in other words, not damage a player whatsoever).
- I don't know if it's only me, but GetPlayerWeapon while in a vehicle does not work that well. For example, give yourself a detonator and SetPlayerArmedWeapon( playerid, 0 ); while in OnPlayerUpdate with an exception being for the detonator, if it still resets your weapon regardless of having the exception for a detonator, then that's what I mean.
- Focus more on security and reserve features that require time and effort for 0.4, if features keep getting added and security keeps getting ignored then it will burden us server owners, and you as well (server-full attack = lots of people demanding a fix).