23.01.2015, 16:43
Get a free domain at 000webhosting.com (<sucks alot), or a better free domain with cpanel and stuffs = 2freehosting.com, open your ftp or file manager (2freehosting has that in it, way better) and upload the .mp3 file there.
For instance you have a free domain named:
testsongs.ujeiufesef.com, and you upload the .mp3 directly do the public_html folder, then the url for your song is testsongs.ujeiufesef.com/songname.mp3
where (songname == tmp)
For instance you have a free domain named:
testsongs.ujeiufesef.com, and you upload the .mp3 directly do the public_html folder, then the url for your song is testsongs.ujeiufesef.com/songname.mp3
where (songname == tmp)