23.01.2015, 15:34
%x gives out the number in hex, nothing wrong, how do you want it ?
About the error, you must have the function twice, maybe it is already defined in an include The easieast would be to comment out that one in your script and check if it still works or you simply rename it to something else |
I want it to give out as 0xABCDEFFF and 0xFFABCDEF both and it should be able to save in this file. When player types /factioncolor FFFFFF. I should be able to save one on FamilyColor and other one on FamilyColor2
in this.
format(coordsstring, sizeof(coordsstring), "%d|%s|%s|%s|%d|%f|%f|%f|%f|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%s|%d|% x|%x|%d|%d\n", FamilyInfo[idx][FamilyTaken], FamilyInfo[idx][FamilyName], FamilyInfo[idx][FamilyMOTD], FamilyInfo[idx][FamilyLeader], FamilyInfo[idx][FamilyMembers], FamilyInfo[idx][FamilySpawn][0], FamilyInfo[idx][FamilySpawn][1], FamilyInfo[idx][FamilySpawn][2], FamilyInfo[idx][FamilySpawn][3], FamilyInfo[idx][FamilyRank1], FamilyInfo[idx][FamilyRank2], FamilyInfo[idx][FamilyRank3], FamilyInfo[idx][FamilyRank4], FamilyInfo[idx][FamilyRank5], FamilyInfo[idx][FamilyRank6], FamilyInfo[idx][FamilyInterior], FamilyInfo[idx][FamilyColor] FamilyInfo[idx][FamilyColor2], FamilyInfo[idx][FamilyPoints], FamilyInfo[idx][FamilyLastDate]); |
Command you guys made me. Didnt work. It keeps giving me same reply IG. "/factioncolor [FFDDSS]" even tho im typing in /factioncolor 000FFF. Doesnt work. I did come modification in it and got it working. Only problem im facing right now is THAT saving issue. Its not saving correctly so i can use it after restart....
Help me out yall. This is hard as hell. Literally pain in my ass lol and %x for saving doesnt work. It gives out FFF000FF something like that without any "0x". I tried it with yellow. Object was showing PINK. Thats a bad sign.