22.01.2015, 18:46
Never put quotes around numbers (it should be -1, not '-1').
Does CreateDroppedItem do anything with the MySQL plugin? Should you not put the connection handle in cache_num_rows? Such as cache_num_rows(MySQL). Try using cache_get_data instead of cache_num_rows. |
Does CreateDroppedItem do anything with the MySQL plugin?: Yes, found the bug here.
Should you not put the connection handle in cache_num_rows? Such as cache_num_rows(MySQL): Yes but i actually only use one conenctionhandle (the default, btw, i already added and tested it too)...
Try using cache_get_data instead of cache_num_rows.: @EditІ Tried but still not working, i have the same problem, cache returns me empty values on get_field_content_stuff after the first row even when i change the row index with loop (and get errors on mysql_log)...
Problem solved, i forgot to remove this on create dropped item:
new query[512]; mysql_format(MySQL, query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `items` SET `owner` = -1, `coord_x` = '%f', `coord_y` = '%f', `coord_z` = '%f' WHERE `id` = %d;",x, y, z, itemid); mysql_tquery(MySQL, query, "", "");