22.01.2015, 12:56
Got it, Databases ids start with one, loops start with 0, to fix this equal them, by increasing the loop by 1
and is that the only output you got ?. you're probably not looping through correctly them or that's all the vehicles you're saving ?
pawn Код:
VehiclesInfo[carid][vID] ++;
mysql_format(handle, query, sizeof(query), "UPDATE `vehicles` SET `PositionX` = '%f', `PositionY` = '%f', `PositionZ` = '%f', `Angle` = '%f' WHERE ID = '%i'", VehiclesInfo[carid][vPositionX], VehiclesInfo[carid][vPositionY], VehiclesInfo[carid][vPositionZ], VehiclesInfo[carid][vAngle], VehiclesInfo[carid][vID]);
mysql_query(handle, query);