Cannot start server on VPS

May be this will help you:

1. Give right permissions to samp03svr, announce, samp-npc

# cd /path/to/sampserver
# chmod 711 samp03svr announce samp-npc
# rand_pass=$(date | md5sum | cut -f 1 -d " ")
# sed -i \"s/rcon_password changeme/rcon_password $rand_pass/g\" server.cfg
3. If you are using a firewall you need to forward an INPUT UDP port for your samp server.

iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p udp --dport 7777 -j ACCEPT
Change 7777 by your server port.

4. run your server

# killall samp03svr
# nohup ./samp03svr &

Messages In This Thread
Cannot start server on VPS - by RoC4life - 20.01.2015, 09:49
Re: Cannot start server on VPS - by Samp_India - 20.01.2015, 09:52
Re: Cannot start server on VPS - by S4MSUNG - 20.01.2015, 11:28
Re: Cannot start server on VPS - by www - 20.01.2015, 11:39
Re: Cannot start server on VPS - by RoC4life - 20.01.2015, 12:38
Re: Cannot start server on VPS - by Ironboy - 20.01.2015, 12:44
Re: Cannot start server on VPS - by www - 20.01.2015, 12:47
Re: Cannot start server on VPS - by RoC4life - 20.01.2015, 13:34
Re: Cannot start server on VPS - by RoC4life - 20.01.2015, 13:49

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