Chop shop

Well, seeing that you must first know how to script pawno (SA-MP Code) I recommend seeing the sa-mp wiki:

Next, I would consider either learning Y_INI or MySQL.

Now, if you followed those steps you should find this easy;
1. Create a basic registration/login system using Y_INI or MySQL.
2. Create a saving system either using Y_INI or MySQL to store the information.
3. Get some simple includes ZCMD.

Messages In This Thread
Chop shop - by Amorsity - 18.01.2015, 06:18
Re: Chop shop - by Amorsity - 19.01.2015, 05:21
Re: Chop shop - by ChromeAmazing - 19.01.2015, 05:26
Re: Chop shop - by Amorsity - 19.01.2015, 19:37

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