18.01.2015, 20:15
Последний раз редактировалось GM_KoDi; 12.02.2015 в 10:49.
Maximum Security Prison
V.Beta By MStyleBR

Sorry my bad English, I'm Brazilian translated by ****** tradutor
Hello forum guys, these time ago I had posted my first project map here on the board, you can see the previous topic by clicking hereAs I said there would be changes, with some topic galley tips created earlier, I made major changes tried to optimize as much as possible the use of numbers of objects and could decrease of 712 objects to 485, so I recommend using the Plugin Streamer to download the file has for those using streamer and for those who do not use streamer, due to the high number of objects I recommend using, but it is by choice of who to use, I hope you enjoy this is my first map, so it's not perfect, in this version the gates of the cells does not move, but in the next version I intend to change that, below links to some prints and a video (I do not Manjo video editing, so was not so good, but to understand the map: D).
To install has no secret, just extract the downloaded file, copy the file and paste in Prison.pwn filterscripts server folder, compile and FilterScript Add Prison in the server.cfg in filterscripts area.
Follows from a text document with the cells input coordinates are 52 cells
To open one of the gates just call the function below

link: http://imgur.com/a/xbwfG#0
Streamer Plugin Download: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=102865
Download the FilterScript: Maximum Security Prison By MStyleBR.rar
Download via 4shared: Download
Download via Mega: Download