15.01.2015, 19:05
New release:
Fixed to crash during the dialog response.
Fixed a crash related to the empty string.
Added HOOKS_GetVersion and optimize code.
In y_hooks for example, not hooking up your own callbacks / public functions.
mhooks can be nicely used, for example timers with hooks.
Use on
The possibilities are many more.
Fixed to crash during the dialog response.
Fixed a crash related to the empty string.
Added HOOKS_GetVersion and optimize code.
Along with what Abagail said, it's also pretty useless compared to y_hooks mainly because in my eyes it isn't "Scripter-Friendly", but if you improve on it..... Then it might be better.
mhooks can be nicely used, for example timers with hooks.
#define htask:%0[%1](%2) %0HOnScrInit(); public %0HOnScrInit() return SetTimer(#%0,%1,true); %0();public %0() return @HOOKS_CallHook(#%0); zdH%0(); public zdH%0()
HOOK:CTest.OnlyTesting() { printf("OnlyTesting class CTest hooked"); return 1; } htask:OnlyTesting[1000]() { printf("OnlyTesting called"); return 1; }