G abuse

In OnPlayerWeaponShot check:
Player is in any vehicle ?
If yes, player state is passenger ? (GetPlayerState)
If yes, then check that vehicle id has driver ?
If no, remove him from vehicle
But i think this isn't good idea because it will make a loop between player for each shot
I saw an include on the forum for 'G Bug abuse'
Search it (i'm on my phone i can't search sorry)

EDIT: i was slow, the guy above me replied faster

Messages In This Thread
G abuse - by Cerealguy - 12.01.2015, 14:10
Re: G abuse - by rickisme - 12.01.2015, 14:28
Re: G abuse - by M4D - 12.01.2015, 14:29
Respuesta: G abuse - by Cerealguy - 12.01.2015, 14:40

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