Server acts like it's crashed.

Happens once in a while with some MySQL things not properly coded and it basically freezes the gamemode but the server still runs and it still displays the last known players so if it froze with 150 players, 150 players will stay on until I hard-restart it.

Messages In This Thread
Server acts like it's crashed. - by Lynn - 12.01.2015, 08:08
Re: Server acts like it's crashed. - by fonia5 - 12.01.2015, 08:15
Re: Server acts like it's crashed. - by Lynn - 12.01.2015, 09:22
Re: Server acts like it's crashed. - by Jake187 - 12.01.2015, 11:50
Re: Server acts like it's crashed. - by fonia5 - 12.01.2015, 13:04

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