OnPlayerCommandPerformed Flooding

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerCommandPerformed(playerid,cmdtext[ ],success)
    if(!success) return SCM(playerid,-1,"[INFO] "RED"You have entered the wrong command | type /commands for a list of commands!");
 new string[128];
 format(string,sizeof(string),"Player %s | Commands: %s",GetName(playerid),cmdtext); LogKomandi(string);
 return 1;

Messages In This Thread
OnPlayerCommandPerformed Flooding - by Montanna - 04.01.2015, 18:27
Re: OnPlayerCommandPerformed Flooding - by MrViolence101 - 10.01.2015, 21:46
Re: OnPlayerCommandPerformed Flooding - by MrViolence101 - 10.01.2015, 22:05

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