Textdraw question

Don't use OnPlayerUpdate for stuff like textdraws, especially when you need to show it once. That's a BAD example of scripting, as player updates get call every second or something like that, so yeah, expect lag.

To make it show once. Use a timer, when the timer is called, show the textdraw and set a new timer for x milliseconds you want to show the textdraw, and on that textdraw, hide the textdraw. Make a variable and check if a player has already seen the textdraw.
That's all I understood from your post. Try to be more clearer next time.

Messages In This Thread
Textdraw question - by Supermaxultraswag - 10.01.2015, 11:48
Re: Textdraw question - by Supermaxultraswag - 10.01.2015, 15:22
Re: Textdraw question - by LivingLikeYouDo - 10.01.2015, 15:32
Re: Textdraw question - by Supermaxultraswag - 10.01.2015, 17:57
Respuesta: Textdraw question - by Thewin - 10.01.2015, 18:05
Re: Respuesta: Textdraw question - by Supermaxultraswag - 10.01.2015, 19:01

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