09.01.2015, 09:53
Last edited by Glossy42O; 09/01/2015 at 12:14 PM.
Searching for a scripter to help me.(Must be good very good scripter)
He will get an admin reward. Not sure if the server will be hosted.
PM me for more details
EDIT: Must be above 14 years old, And can fix bugs.
Must be trustable either, And you need to have above 50 reps.
(51 also ok)
GM: Terrorists VS Army
If u wanna apply pm me with that format and answer it.
Ingame Name:
Real name:
How long been u scripting:
Are you good?:
Little pictures of your work(You don't have to):
Must use ZCMD
Must be above 14(Like i said above ^)
Etc.. For more INFO Pm me.
He will get an admin reward. Not sure if the server will be hosted.
PM me for more details
EDIT: Must be above 14 years old, And can fix bugs.
Must be trustable either, And you need to have above 50 reps.
(51 also ok)
GM: Terrorists VS Army
If u wanna apply pm me with that format and answer it.
Ingame Name:
Real name:
How long been u scripting:
Are you good?:
Little pictures of your work(You don't have to):
Must use ZCMD
Must be above 14(Like i said above ^)
Etc.. For more INFO Pm me.