
Try setting up a quick filterscript that scans for common CIDR ranges for proxies and also scans for proxy users periodically.

To counter GodOfCars, you can set up a conditional cancellation of OnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdate if the vehicle's position has changed by more than say... 10-15 units while unmanned. This will cause the vehicle to sync only on the hacker's screen and on nobody else's - which means your server doesn't get messed up.

Messages In This Thread
---// - by Mijata - 05.01.2015, 18:43
Re: HELPPP DDOS - by Jake187 - 05.01.2015, 18:50
Re: HELPPP DDOS - by Mijata - 05.01.2015, 18:52
Re: HELPPP DDOS - by Ke_NiReM - 05.01.2015, 18:55
Re: HELPPP DDOS - by Mijata - 05.01.2015, 19:01
Respuesta: Re: HELPPP DDOS - by JuanStone - 05.01.2015, 19:03
AW: HELPPP DDOS - by Mellnik - 05.01.2015, 19:09
Re: HELPPP DDOS - by Jake187 - 05.01.2015, 19:39
Re: HELPPP DDOS - by Lawbringer - 05.01.2015, 19:43

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