Streaming & Drawing distances problems (Streamer)

Originally Posted by Riddick94
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That's what I mean, even though I've set distance (stream and draw) to 200, and I was 188 meters away, it hasn't poped up on my screen, same with 2000.0 value, no matter what.

I will try different object later on, but I don't believe it's related to the model/object in any way.
i was like 5 times far away as you and could still see it
(note: it was the only object on the whole server)

so i guess the streamer is okay.
i think this could be caused by having too many objects in the area.

like, you have all your objects set to 2000 so there's a lot of objects streamed in for you
and the streamer is temporary "disabling" some that are further away to be abel to
uphold the illusion of having exceeded the samp max. objects limit.
ya.. if there's like LOTS of objects in the area

so tell us, how many objects are in that area? (roughly)
and what's their stream/draw distance?

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