03.01.2015, 08:15
Try this:
PS: Members in the forum, totally copy others code for reputation points...
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason)
//if(!(killerid) && reason != 53) SendDeathMessage(killerid, playerid, reason); // Doesn't work..
if(killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) // Let's confirm that the killerid is connected to the server
SetPlayerWantedLevel(killerid, GetPlayerWantedLevel(killerid) + 1);
//SetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid, 0); // Removes wanted players killer, wanted level
SendClientMessage(killerid, COP_COLOR ,"You have committed a crime, FIRST DEGREE MURDER.");
new string[128], name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(killerid, name, sizeof(name));
format(string, sizeof(string), "NEW CRIME REPORT: First Degree Murder, SUSPECT: {AFAFAF}%s{375FFF}", name);
//PlayCrimeReportForPlayer(string, 0, 3); //Not implemented yet
return 1;